Ecommerce fundamentals

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Your eCommerce Store’s Biggest Enemy: The Shopping Cart Abandonment

Did you know the majority of your online store visitors add items to their shopping cart but never finish their order? This is the shopping cart abandonment, one of your most serious sales foes. And it’s eating up your revenue every single day.

To measure the percentage of sales that were not finalized, there is the shopping cart abandonment rate. It examines the share of people who have added items in the shopping cart on your website, but have not gone through the checkout process. And this is how the abandonment happens. Usually the selected items remain in the shopping cart forever – or until the user session expires. Both cases are bad news for online retailers.

But how big of a problem shopping cart abandonment really is? What causes it and what can you do about it? Let’s tackle these hot online store topics and check out some practical solutions.

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