Ecommerce fundamentals

The basics to have in place for your online store and brand. What not to miss in your daily tasks. What activities to make an indispensable part of your strategy.

8 Reasons you need bespoke product packaging this Christmas [examples]

What is the one piece of marketing that reaches every single one of your customers?

Your packaging.

There’s one thing that all your customer have in common, and that is that they will all see, touch and use your product.

Therefore, the way your product is presented to your customer is of the utmost importance.

This is just one of the many many reasons why custom packaging is important to your small brand.

Whether you’re in retail, ecommerce, dropshipping or any other form of selling a physical product, your custom packaging needs to be aligned with your branding.

And it doesn’t have to eat up your profits, either. With custom packaging solutions starting from as little as € 0.26 per unit, you can have your box and…pack it, too?

How important are the mission, vision and values for a DTC brand

Why do people remember some brands and others look just generic?

Why some brands attract a strong following and others just get chosen as a cheaper alternative?

Many companies sell outdoor gear, but Patagonia is unique. Many sell home goods and furniture, but only IKEA has managed to grab the hearts of customers across the globe.

What do they have that other companies don’t?

Clear brand mission, brand vision and brand values.

7 ways a CRM helps online stores sell more

Do you need a CRM for your online store? Is that going to get you more sales?


It’s not just another tool to slow down your site. It’s a system that keeps customer info and action so you can use it for marketing.

Without a CRM, you don’t know anything about the individuals who shop from you and can’t do personalized marketing.

How to prepare your ecommerce site for flipping

Ecommerce continues to be an exciting field.

It’s growing constantly. More and more people are realizing how with a little sweat and hard work they can start an eCommerce business to support their dream of living flexibly and free.

eCommerce continues to cut into the market share of traditional retail shopping, and it’s likely this trend will continue.

But while eCommerce businesses are growing and expanding all the time, there’s another part of the industry that is also gaining in prominence: website flipping.

5 Tips to prepare your ecommerce site for the mobile-first index

As we move through 2018, the importance of preparing your site for the mobile-first index grows every day.

Since the announcement of the move to the mobile-first index way back in November 2016, SEO forums have been awash with comment and speculation about the rollout.

Whilst no fixed date has yet been set, there seems no doubt that the move is imminent and that Google is in fact already rolling this out, although very softly, to specific sites around the world.

Despite the long notice period, there are still so many sites out there who have yet to ‘prepare’ for the rollout, meaning a lot of scrambling could lie ahead.

For ecommerce sites, the job of preparing for the mobile-first index is often much bigger than information-led sites. With hundreds, thousands and possibly millions of product pages, ensuring that those pages are just as crawlable, indexable and ultimately as ‘rankable’ on mobile as they are on desktop is a huge task.

Ecommerce conversion rate fix: stop funnel leaks

Once you have an online business going, you may think at first that all you need to do now is sit back and watch the money rolling in.

However, ecommerce is no different than traditional businesses in that you still have to monitor everything and improve constantly. It’s certainly not passive income.

Finding ways to make things better and earn more revenue is about figuring out two things—what’s broken and what can be improved. It can be hard, though, because not all things in ecommerce are so obvious.

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