Ecommerce fundamentals

The basics to have in place for your online store and brand. What not to miss in your daily tasks. What activities to make an indispensable part of your strategy.

The step-by-step guide to creating target personas for your online brand

Not every customer looks the same, but boy do they act similarly in many cases.

You know, it’s people shopping at 2 a.m. or the same three products getting ordered together again and again.

You can see it when your marketing knocks it out of the park and your order forms are slammed.

You also see it when messaging misses the mark and you get snarky comments online, or a new product launch falls flat.

It’s right there in your gut but hasn’t yet made its way to the calculation center in your brain.

It’s time to take that ethereal knowledge and turn it into something that’ll help in your reality.

It’s time to create the target personas that your online brand needs.

How to drive Christmas sales AFTER Black Friday

Who said you can only sell on Black Friday?

With the craziness of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you might not be very happy with the conversions you get – site went down, quantities run out, your ads went unseen due to low budget, etc.

But the Holiday shopping season is far from over and you still have about a month to end the year well.

In this article, we show what you can do to convert those leads you couldn’t on the two big days.

Worry not – here’s how to fix it. You still have a shot with these people. You can address the issues and get those orders – no need to let them go.

Ecommerce tips for Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday

The busiest time of year for online stores has begun and you probably are going crazy.

To help you plan your online store’s marketing strategy for the holidays faster, we created one plan you can directly steal and implement for your site. We also gathered some cool examples you can use for inspiration.

How to craft compelling CTAs for your ecommerce sales funnel

Congrats! Your prospect has found your ecommerce sales funnel, been curious enough to enter it, and has made it all the way to the first finish line – your Call To Action (CTA).

However, this doesn’t mean they’re definitely going to take the action you want them to.

Without a compelling call to action, your prospect might stumble at the very last moment, have a change of heart and beat a hasty retreat.

It doesn’t matter how certain they were about you and your product up until now, a boring CTA can be a deal breaker.

Let’s take a look at how to craft compelling Calls To Action for your sales funnel.

Halloween marketing ideas to try on Instagram

The night of trick and treating is getting close and if your customers celebrate Halloween, you should too.

Because we always want to help you create the best holiday marketing campaigns for your online store, here’s a collection of awesome Halloween promotions and campaigns from brands on Instagram. As usual, we dissect them to find what’s cool about them and what works to drive sales.

How to make more money than Amazon selling coffee online this Christmas

You already have really good coffee on your online store.

And it sells well during Christmas season because it’s very suitable for a gift. Our clients’ Coffee Lover Giftcoffee stores get spikes of about 60% in orders from new customers during November and December.

But you’re aware that Amazon also lists over 400 result pages of coffee. How do you make more money than a giant that will make thousands of coffee sales this Christmas?

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