Complementary products are related products that are often used together and that’s why it makes sense to sell them along with each other. Examples for complementary products would be: coffee beans and coffee filters, shoes and shoe cleaning products, dog food and food bowls.
If none of your products can be easily identified as complementary to others, use a related products analysis to see what people usually buy together and cross-sell that combination.
on Metrilo blog
— Product management is the process of monitoring product performance in order to optimize offers and stock orders. Product performance relates to which products get ordered more so you can prepare with enough stock. Sometimes it also means you can di
— Product correlation is the connection between two products. On top of individual product performance, they interact and influence the sales of other products as well. Some products get ordered instead of others, or together with them. Insights about
— Product performance is a report on how a SKU is doing in terms of sales. It answers questions like how many unique and repeat orders it gets, how often it gets abandoned in cart, etc. It is useful when planning inventory and making product range decisions.
— Product bundle is two or more products sold together, often at a deal price. Related products are perfect to form a product bundle because people buy them together anyway, and a good price offer can generate more sales. Bundles are a great way to drive up